Nathalie Guin

Nathalie Guin

Project leader and responsible for the partner LIRIS

Nathalie, researcher in computer science, coordinates the COMPER project, is responsible for WP 0 (project management) and co-responsible for WP 2 (activity creation and development of competency profiles).

Marie Lefevre

Marie Lefevre

Marie, researcher in computer science, is co-responsible for WP 2 (activity creation and competency profile development) and WP 4 (activity customization)

Photo de Tarek Djouad

Tarek Djouad

Tarek, PhD in computer science, is a specialist in the analysis of learning traces. Post-doctoral fellow in the COMPER project, he was involved in WP 2, on the creation of activities related to the competency framework and the development of competency profiles.

Photo de Jean-Charles Marty

Jean-Charles Marty

Jean-Charles Marty, researcher in computer science, is involved in WP 3 (visualization of profiles, regulation and self-regulation of learning)

Photo de Louis Sablayrolles

Louis Sablayrolles

Louis, a doctoral student in computer science, is involved in WP4, to propose personalization mechanisms according to the profiles of the learners.

Photo de Rémi Casado

Rémi Casado

Rémi, a computer engineer, has worked on the coordination of the development of all the tools and services offered by the different WP of the project.