cubes COMPetences and PERsonnalization
Project ANR-18-CE38-0012
Project leader and responsible for the partner LIRIS
Nathalie, researcher in computer science, coordinates the COMPER project, is responsible for WP 0 (project management) and co-responsible for WP 2 (activity creation and development of competency profiles).
Marie, researcher in computer science, is co-responsible for WP 2 (activity creation and competency profile development) and WP 4 (activity customization)
Tarek, PhD in computer science, is a specialist in the analysis of learning traces. Post-doctoral fellow in the COMPER project, he was involved in WP 2, on the creation of activities related to the competency framework and the development of competency profiles.
Jean-Charles Marty, researcher in computer science, is involved in WP 3 (visualization of profiles, regulation and self-regulation of learning)
Louis, a doctoral student in computer science, is involved in WP4, to propose personalization mechanisms according to the profiles of the learners.
Rémi, a computer engineer, has worked on the coordination of the development of all the tools and services offered by the different WP of the project.