Productions WP 5

Needs assessment, user-centered design, tool evaluation

WP head : LHUMAIN (S. Mailles Viard Metz) and TECHNE (C. Michel)
Participants : the pedagogical teams of the 3 fields
Objectives :

The objectives of this WP are in the service of the objectives of WPs 1, 2, 3 and 4. Indeed, each of these WPs will provide deliverables that can be evaluated throughout the project. This WP5 is thus a transversal space that links the objectives of the other WPs together. This transversal approach is a way of merging different elements of the project that will guarantee its scientific and applicative credibility and sustainability.
The final objective of the project is to create an environment of personalized support and autonomy for the acquisition of skills of different natures and levels. WP5 accompanies the design of this environment, from the needs analysis to the final product, with a user-centered design approach punctuated by the use of several observation and experimentation fields, which represent natural teaching and learning situations. Thus, 3 experimental sites are made available during the project and make it possible to evaluate the utility, usability and acceptability dimensions of the environment as it is developed.