Kick-off day of the COMPER project, friday, january the 18th, 2018, in Lyon, Campus de la Doua, building Nautibus, room C4.
Agenda of the day
- 9h-9h15 : Welcome
- 9h15 : Reminder of the project and its organization in WPs
- 9h45 -> 12h : Presentation of the fields and prior knowledge of each partner
- Educlever field : presentation of activities and referential
- ASKER field
- use in Lyon 1, without referential, small demo
- use by groupe Sésames : presentation of referential
- Lab4CE field : presentation of activities (but no referential)
- Lunch
- 13h30 -> 17h30 : Start of work on WP 1 (referential) to take advantage of the presence of everyone, including the teaching teams of the 3 fields
- Presentation of the IRIT referential model (Competencies project)
- Presentation of the Educlever model (continuation of the Carto project, referential model, profile calculation, adaptive learning)
- Discussion on the methodology for designing the referential meta-model and first proposals