To meet the challenge of the genericity of our models and tools, we propose to conduct our research in three application frameworks, which we call "fields":
- the environments of the Educlever society, offering educational activities in and outside the classroom. In particular, we will study mathematics and French in cycles 2 and 3;
- in-class and out-of-class teaching provided by the PEGASE group of Physics/Chemistry teachers associated with IFé. This teaching is based on exercises at the high school level;
- the Lab4CE environment, designed to support collaborative activities and used within IUT's IT departments, in real conditions in Toulouse and experimental conditions in Montpellier.
The exploitation of traces is a transversal approach to the whole project. Traces are useful to the system to identify the learner's needs and personalize activities, to diagnose according to the evolution of the learner's responses whether a skill is acquired or not, and to describe how learners organize themselves to acquire these skills. They are also useful for learners to understand the evolution of their competency profile and thus operate their self-regulation process and gain in autonomy, and for teachers to monitor students and identify the most appropriate and effective activities proposed for building competencies. Finally, they are useful for analysing the use of the system and suggesting improvements to the processes implemented. As part of the project, we plan to combine traces automatically recorded during the use of training environments, and traces manually reported by teachers or learners. Research in the field of Learning Analytics shows that a variety of perspectives are needed to construct indicators that are precise enough to analyze the learning activity. As part of the project, we will study which indicators are relevant and which visual representations are the most effective.
The project will be divided into 6 work packages (WP):
WP 0 is dedicated to project management.
The objective of WP 1 is to define the meta-model of the competency repositories and to define competency repository in accordance with this meta-model for each of the 3 fields.
WP 2 is based on the competency repositories meta-model defined in WP 1 to propose a way of creating activities (e.g. exercises) related to the competencies of the repository, and a process for calculating a learner's competency profile based on the analysis of the traces of his/her activities. In addition, activities will be created for each of the 3 fields.
The objective of WP 3 is to propose activities to strengthen the learner's autonomy and to regulate his learning, in particular through the visualization of the competency profile developed by WP 2.
WP 4 is intended to provide models and processes for customizing activities according to the learner's profile, based on each competency framework and supporting both the pedagogical team and the learner, while being able to suggest improvements to the process based on trace analysis.
WP 5 is dedicated throughout the project to analyzing the needs of the various users, implementing a participatory design approach and evaluating the tools produced through experiments in the 3 fields.