Our ambition is to personalize the activities proposed to the learner, based on his or her competency profile, regardless of the learning fields and contexts. On the one hand, we aim to personalize at the learner's initiative, in order to promote self-regulation and engagement processes, based on learning analytics and adapted visualizations that reflect the learner's progress in acquiring the skills targeted by the activities. On the other hand, we want to make the personalization process autonomous, through additional analyses to identify the strengths and weaknesses of each learner's competency profile, based on pedagogical strategies defined by the teachers.
To set up these customization processes, the challenges we will face are related to design, experimentation and validation of:
- models able to support competencies characterized by different granularities and different learning domains,
- learning analysis processes able to infer a competency profile from learning tasks, and
- generic tools and visualizations based on the analysis processes that can be used in a variety of learning contexts.
Beyond the representation of the skills to be acquired by the learner, our objective is also to propose solutions to support pedagogical activities of reinforcement and evaluation, carried out with a teacher, peers or individually. Indeed, because training is increasingly carried out throughout life, we have chosen to focus on contexts where the learner learns and assesses himself/herself independently. Thus, the work carried out will focus on studying how to include motivational levers (such as a sense of personal effectiveness with the formalization of an objective) that initiate and support an individual's need for learning. The COMPER project integrates three levels of complexity: competency-based learning environnements must be useful, i. e. they must guarantee a benefit, in particular in terms of a sense of effectiveness in building skills, for all the actors involved in the learning process. They must also be usable and acceptable, i.e. they must propose intuitive interaction modalities adapted to the practices and values of the human and technological contexts in which they are implemented. In the context of the project, we assume that it is possible to integrate these three levels of complexity by considering that the processes of regulation and self-regulation of the activity are partly dependent on the evolution of skills and by adopting a user-centered design approach. The challenge of the project is therefore to define how to achieve this hypothesis, i.e. how to translate these principles into these personal learning environnements in such a way as to support the perceived sense of effectiveness of individuals and thus promote both their motivation and their commitment to the activity, but also their ability to identify and specify how to build the targeted competencies.