cubes COMPetences and PERsonnalization
Project ANR-18-CE38-0012
WP head : IRIT (J. Broisin) and LHUMAIN (S. Mailles Viard Metz)
Participants : TECHNE (C. Michel) and the pedagogical teams of the 3 fields
Objectives :
Once learners' profiles are established with regard to the skills acquired or being acquired (WP2), their visualizations proposed in this WP serve two purposes:
The collection of traces reflecting users' activities on the learning environments of the 3 fields, as well as calculations on learners' mastery of skills are carried out in WP2. On the other hand, the calculation of activity indicators such as the time spent by a learner on an activity, the number of connections to the learning environment, the number of attempts necessary to perform an exercise, etc., is provided in WP3. The two main locks are therefore in
This information should help the user to identify gaps between the objectives achieved and those expected, to reflect on the reasons leading to this gap, based on the way the activity was carried out, and to define behavioural changes, i.e. to implement regulatory and/or self-regulatory actions. The challenge will therefore be to find the visual forms that are best suited to reinforce the feeling of efficiency, autonomy and motivation, through regulation or self-regulation strategies.