cubes COMPetences and PERsonnalization
Project ANR-18-CE38-0012
WP head : LIRIS (M. Lefevre) and IRIT (J. Broisin)
Participants : the pedagogical teams of the 3 fields, Praxiling
Objectives :
The objective of WP4 is to personalize each learner's learning path according to his or her profile. This customization will concern the exercises proposed to him/her, but also the interaction elements intended to reinforce the autonomy defined by WP3.
The first lock of this WP consists in proposing a way to obtain automatic personalization by the system but according to the instructions of the pedagogical team and by integrating the learner's objectives. We will use the PERSUA2 model, which enables a pedagogical team to express a personalization strategy describing which activity to propose to the learner according to the content of his/her profile. We also want to ensure that the entire personalization process can be improved by observing the traces of its operation and analyzing its effectiveness. Thus, the final objective is to design a system capable of analyzing its own functioning, and to identify which personalization strategies effectively promote the acquisition of skills, in order to enable the pedagogical team to improve regulation and self-regulation activities as well as its personalization strategies.
Louis Sablayrolles. Principes d'un processus de personnalisation semi-automatique fondé sur un méta-modèle de stratégies pédagogiques utilisant un référentiel de compétences. Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs en EIAH, Jun 2020, Poitiers, France.